Nov 17, 2023

Periodically rotating the tires on your Chevy ensures that they’re wearing safely and evenly. It also minimizes the risk of flats and blowouts. But life gets busy, and sometimes it’s hard to keep track of when you last had your tires rotated. Our service department typically rotates your tires each time your vehicle undergoes an oil change. But you can also watch for signs that your vehicle may be due for a tire rotation at Toliver Brothers Chevrolet GMC.

Your Tires Are Wearing Unevenly, or Prematurely

If you look closely at your tires and observe that the treads on one are more heavily worn than the others, that’s often a sign that your vehicle is due for a rotation. The tires on your car, truck, or SUV wear differently depending on which wheel they’re on. The front right wheel, for example, can be susceptible to heavy wear because vehicles in this country are driven on the right side of the road.

When you spot signs of excessive wear on one tire, let our service department know because it may signal the need for a rotation. Rotating your tires, which typically involves shifting the front tires to the back and the back tires to the front, ensures that your tires wear evenly over time. This is an essential service to follow through on because tires are safer and last longer when they are worn evenly.

Your Tires Are Deflating Irregularly

If one of your tires seems to deflate more quickly than the others, it may be a sign that that tire is under more weight or pressure than the others. Our service department can take a closer look at that tire and determine whether or not your tires are in need of rotation or balancing.

Your Vehicle Is Vibrating on the Road

A vehicle that rides roughly or vibrates while being driven, particularly when being driven at higher speeds, may also have tires that need attention. These vibrations are the result of uneven tire wear. It’s important to have this situation checked out and resolved, not just because the vibrations can be annoying, but because they may eventually affect your vehicle’s suspension or other components.

Tires that are wearing unevenly may also make more noise than usual while the vehicle is being driven. So keep an ear out for any noises that sound different from the sounds your car usually makes.

As a general rule of thumb, your tires should be rotated every 3,000 to 7,500 miles, but it’s a good idea to watch for signs that they may need attention at more frequent intervals. When your vehicle is in need of tire service or replacement, call Toliver Brothers.